Friday, July 3, 2009

I Cheated On My Regular Bible With...

I used to read my regular Bible daily and only felt encouraged. Privately, however, I really didn't understand how I was supposed to apply what I read to my own life. I would nod with approval as the pastor read the word and then daydream about things I needed to do after church while the sermon was still being delivered (just being honest and don't act like I'm the only one-smile).

One day, however, I couldn't help but notice that a large number of people kept reading the Bible after the specific verse had been read. I took a sneak peek at my neighbor to the right to see if they were just slow readers, getting ahead, or if their Bible had more text than mine. I was surprised to learn that it did! They had something called a Life Application Bible that broke down each scripture in application form at the bottom of each page. At once I was hooked and made the switch. Here's why...

Presently, I am struggling with two issues:

1) Dedicating all of my work to God and not to Alduan. Am I uplifting HIM or Dr. Tartt?
2) Having faith in God that everything will work out versus making things happen myself. You see how that worked for John Henry.

Here's what I read verbatim from the Life Application Bible this morning (in italics).

Proverbs 16:3: Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

Application Section for Proverbs 16:3

There are different ways to fail to commit whatever we do to the Lord. Some people commit their work only superficially. They say the project is being done for the Lord, but in reality they are doing it for themselves. Others give God temporary control of their interests, only to take control back the moment things stop going the way they expect. Still others commit a task fully to the Lord, but put forth no effort themselves, and then they wonder why they do not succeed. We must maintain a delicate balance: trusting God as if everything depended on him, while working as if everything depended on us. Think of a specific effort in which you are involved right now. Have you committed it to the Lord?

Wow, did that sum it up or what? To be honest without the application section to this verse I would have only been encouraged and left with no specific instructions about application. Now, I clearly understand how to balance faith and work. For me, word without application is useless but no longer do I have to worry about that. I've found a new love (smile).

Chances are many of you already have a Life Application Bible but if you were late to the party like I was, maybe you should peruse one yourself. Can you really afford not to in times like these? God Bless!


D.Crim said...

Don't feel bad about daydreaming in church, I used to fall asleep in church, at times I couldn't get passed the thou's and shalt's in scriptures and I used to think that the Bible was for back in the day.
The Life App Bible is so clear-cut and easier to apply to your everyday struggles and victories...
You're not cheating on your regular Bible because you can still refer back to the KJV Version and get a complete picture of what God has in store for you.
God Bless!

J. A. McDonald said...

Doc, i'm at a "cross" roads, so to speak.

Gods will. Free will.

A joke goes something along the lines: "Wanna make God laugh? Tell him about YOUR plans."

If God wants something to happen, it shall come to pass, no?

If it is against God's will, it shall come to folly, no?

The discernment between the "wills" can become quite confusing.

Tragedy takes place, and people say that God had no hand in it.

I remember God assisted Samson in crushing his captors.

I also remember God "HARDENING" Pharaoh's heart against releasing the Israelites. So even if Pharaoh had a sympathetic inclination towards Moses' flock (which is obviously what he was leaning towards, if it took God to change his mind), his will couldn't supersede the fulfillment of prophecy.

So, once again. God's will. Free will.

Sometimes I have to treat it as my Aunt (Jehovah Witness), in order to make sense of the nonsensical. She said that maybe God doesn't know the outcome of certain things. If God did, he wouldn't make rules to be passed on to his chosen few, only to be remixed millennium later, be cause he failed to read the fine print about his creation's fickleness.

Or maybe that was the original plan. To change, rearrange, in order to suit his creation. Hold up a sec, who's truly God?

I would love to believe that the teachings of the "greatest" teacher would suffice. But Lucifer surrounds us everyday. And being that the book instructed me to be "as wise as the serpent", I realize that more and more people are influenced by the "material" side of things.

People call themselves Christian, with an overabundance of faith, but yet virtually break their own necks to procure the tools of Lucifer. I nearly smashed my T.V. when I saw whatever congregation/pastor/rev./etc with a vehicle from each of the BIG THREE on the pulpit, asking for prayers to save them. WTF!!!

Some say you can't pick and choose and utilize what parts of the Bible you wish. Some claim to live like Christ, yet none of them practice Nazarene doctrine (hair, diet, etc.). I see the most gluttonous about me, and reflect on John the Baptist. Locusts and honey. Bring that to someone to practice. You'll get a staunch "Yeah right".

I guess I said all of that to say Bro. Tartt, DO YOU. God, although hinted at in the text, is with you, PRESENTLY. ALWAYS. If it isn't of God, it won't be/come to pass. Period. There are TOO MANY versions of the "truth". I think the application of our blessings is the true litmus test. You have been an inspiration to all, by how God has inspired you. Cheated? No my brother. Explored. Branched. Traveled another path shown to you by the almighty. ;)

Anonymous said...

Dr. Tartt,

I rejoice with you on finding your new love! :) What an exhilarating feeling to come across something which fills in the "missing pieces".

Sometimes, it can be just a different translation of a particular scripture or passage, or the original meaning of a word which makes all the difference.

Have you tried utilizing the resources at I find the lexicons and commentaries useful.

In any event, stay blessed and continue to be a blessing to others. remember that what you make happen for another, God will make happen for you (in principle).

Consider this a new beginning/landmark in your life. I'm excited to see how God speaks through you from now on.

~Nichol Jones